Presented by Mindful West Virginia and Try This West Virginia.

due to the
grants have been awarded, but individual certification grants are still available.
Scroll down for more information.
Funded by the WVDHHR Behavioral Health Division, State Opioid Response, through WV School of Osteopathic Medicine
Learn dozens of tools to reduce stress for your kids, yourself, and your school - free of charge, thanks to a grant from the WV State Opioid Response
Ten WV elementary schools will receive a free 6-hour all-staff workshop.
Apply quickly to save a spot! They will go fast.
Your online workshop will be scheduled for January or February.
The application must be filled out by the school principal.

Sponsors: Try This West Virginia, and Mindful West Virginia,
Evaluation: The WV Prevention Research Center.
Funding: the Behavioral Health Division of the DHHR, State Opioid Response.
through the WV School of Osteopathic Medicine
Visit the Kidding Around Yoga Website
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must serve an
economically disadvanted
Your whole staff will:
* Learn quick, active exercises and "brain breaks" they can weave through the day to help kids focus and self-calm.
* Get hands-on practice using Kidding Around Yoga cards, stories, music and other materials.
* Receive a package of classroom cards, music, poster, manual, etc. that help you carry out - in
person or online.
* Develop understanding of the importance of these exercises in helping kids deal with trauma.
* Learn ways teachers can use the exercises to manage their own stress level.
The 6 hours of workshop can be split into 2 days
Non-degree graduate credits are available for the workshop.
More details here.
Free of charge to individual teachers
20-hour certification to teach Kidding Around Yoga workshop also available
for individual teachers and childcare workers.
Each school that receives a workshop will designate a mindfulness captain.
That person will also take a free certification course.
In return, they will be expected to pass it along in in-service help to other staff members, as arranged with the principal.
For more info, check
Apply now
to save your spot!
Self-paced online sessions with Kidding Around Yoga instructors:
* 4 hours of Deep Dive in the curriculum
* Six elective courses: You choose your concentration
* Hours of live brainstorming and Q and A with a
Kidding Around Yoga staff member

More information on the teacher certification workshop page of the Kidding Around Yoga website.
Reactions from West Virginia teachers ...
"I have a classroom full of children who are so influenced by tragic situations daily, and I don't have enough training information or how to handle those students. I found the yoga/mindfulness training has provided me with the solution to help these children. Not only has it helped my students but learning these tools helps me too. I have been able to control my emotions which has helped me in and out of the classroom." - Caitlin Wareheim: Pre-K Wood County 2019
"I have noticed a dramatic decrease in the frequency of behavioral incidents and outbursts. In our room, i have noticed a general calmness, increased patience and more empathy for one another."
- Kristen Cale, Emerson Elementary, 3rd grade, Wood County
"I never dreamed my students would enjoy doing yoga moves and breathing as much as they do. This training has been wonderful for my students. I even found it helps me. This has been a wonderful opportunity."
- Alicia Waskey: Jackson County 5th Grade
More details of whole-staff workshop available on the Kidding Around Yoga website at
More details of the certification workshop available on the Kidding Around Yoga website
Techniques covered by this workshop can be used online.

From Chantil McCormick, 1st Grade Teacher, Confidence Elementary, Putnam County. She is a 2020 Kidding Around Yoga trainee. Used with permission.
"I am sending a picture of my kids on a TEAMS call doing their sergeant salutations. We have been remote for most of the year. We have done sergeant salutations each morning.
I have grown in my understanding of yoga through this process by noticing when my students need to practice mindfulness. I teach first grade and they often need brain breaks. The KAY yoga method suits my situation perfectly. We are adding to our repertoire each week. I can see the benefits from spending time focused on mindfulness.
I am so glad I experienced KAY yoga Certification. I will continue using yoga daily in my classroom. "